Terms of Business

The legal bits.

Serial No. Heading Terms of Business Sector
We, 21finance Ltd, of 21 West Street, Gravesend, Kent, DA11 0BF are authorised and regulated by Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) for advising and arranging pure protection and general insurance. Our FCA reference number is 927989 and you can check this on the FCA’s register by visiting the FCA’s website NewRegister or by contacting the FCA on 0800 111 6768. We are a mortgage and insurance intermediary. Although 21Finance Ltd is regulated by the FCA, it is important to understand that Buy to Let mortgages are not regulated by the FCA. You will be advised in advance of any such proposal or service.
Our service to you
We will provide you with advice and a personal recommendation after we have assessed your individual circumstances and requirements.
& Mortgages
Products we offer you
We offer products from a range of insurers based on a fair and personal analysis of the market for life insurance, critical illness insurance, income protection, mortgage payment protection insurance and Buildings & Contents insurance.
Products we offer you
We offer a comprehensive range of first charge mortgages from across the market, but not deals that you can only obtain by going direct to a lender. We do not advise on second charge mortgages. If we are unable to identify a suitable first charge mortgage, we can refer you to our selected affiliated partners who specialises in second charge lending. We will provide you with further information if this is the case. Please refer also to our Consents on the last page of this document. We will provide you with an explanation of the main repayment methods (e.g. capital and interest or interest only), but if you select a repayment option that includes an investment product that is regulated by the FCA we will recommend you seek advice from an appropriately authorised Independent Financial Adviser (IFA). Details of an IFA near you can be obtained from Search over 27,000 IFAs, Financial Advisers, Mortgage Brokers, Accountants & Bookkeepers or by calling 0330 303 0025.
Disclosure of information- Consumers
It is important that you understand that any information, statements or answers made by you to us, your insurance provider or mortgage lender, are your responsibility. You must take reasonable care not to make misrepresentations when answering questions. If you are careless in answering the questions or deliberately make a misrepresentation, this may render the insurance void from inception (the start of the contract) and enable the insurer to repudiate liability (entitle the insurer not to pay your claims). You are advised to keep copies of documentation sent to or received from us for your own protection. Please do consult us if you are in doubt on any aspect. The requirement for correct information not only applies at commencement and renewal of your policy, but also at any time during the period of insurance.
Disclosure of information – Commercial Customers

Where the insurance is arranged wholly or mainly for the purposes of your trade, business or profession then you have a duty of “fair presentation of the risk”. This mean that you must:-

  • Disclose to us and the insurers every material circumstance you know or ought to have known, this includes information that can be revealed by a reasonable search of information available to you including information held within your organisation including their senior managers;

Provide the insurer with sufficient information to put a prudent insurer on notice that it needs to make further enquiries into those material circumstances. A material circumstance are circumstances which may influence the insurers decision to cover a risk and/or the terms that are applied. Examples of material circumstances include change of address, change of financial circumstances, change of directorship (if corporate), and so on. This requirement not only applies at commencement and renewal of the policy but also at any time during the period of insurance.

Awareness of terms
When a mortgage offer or insurance policy is issued, you are strongly advised to read it carefully. If you are in doubt over any of the terms and conditions, please seek our advice promptly.
Charges and Fees
We will not charge you a fee for the arranging, amending, renewing and cancelling your insurance policy. We will be paid commission by the provider upon inception of the policy. The amount will depend on the provider, type of insurance, and your premiums.
Charges and Fees
An advice fee of £495 is payable on completion of your mortgage application/submission. We will also receive a payment from the lender in relation to the mortgage product taken. You will be notified of this payment within a Key Facts Illustration Plus (KFI+) or a European Standardised Information Sheet (ESIS) when considering a particular mortgage. We will use the payment received from the lender to reduce the advice fee payable by you. For example, if we receive a £300 payment from the lender, your fee for our advice will be £195.
For your own protection, your policy will automatically renew unless you have opted out of the auto-renew facility. You can stop your policy from automatically renewing at any time. You can do this by telephone, post or email. If you cancel this facility your insurance will then expire on the renewal date unless you give us instructions to renew your policy
Client money – general.
We will not hold client money, and any premiums due to the insurer are your responsibility to pay.
Customer protection information

It is our intention to provide you with a high level of customer service at all times. If there are occasions when we do not meet your standards, please contact the Complaints Manager either orally or in writing, who will take details of your concerns. We will acknowledge your complaint promptly in writing and do our best to resolve the problem quickly, keeping you informed of progress and the measures being taken. In the unlikely event that we have not resolved the complaint within 8 weeks, we will write again to explain the reasons and advise when we expect to be able to do so. If you wish to register a complaint, please contact us at:

…in writing. 21finance Ltd , Complaints, 21 West Street, Gravesend, Kent, DA11 0BF.
…by phone, 020 4525 3196
…email: complaints@21finance.com

If we cannot satisfy your complaint, you may be entitled to refer it to the Financial Ombudsman Service and we will provide you with information about their service. For more information visit Financial Ombudsman Service: our homepage. A full version of our Complaints Handling procedures is available on the website: Complaints

Insurance & Mortgages
Cooling off period
We will give you enough information and help so you can make an informed decision before you make a final commitment to buy your insurance policy. This will be shown on any policy documents issued by a provider (such as fourteen (thirty) days to change your mind and cancel the insurance contract from the date you receive the policy documentation). NB This only applies to consumers.
Are we covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)?
Insurance advising and arranging are covered for 100% when the claim arises from death or incapacity of the policyholder due to injury, sickness or infirmity. Protection is at 90% where the claim is for other types of policy, with no upper limit.
Insurance & Mortgages
Are we covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)?
Mortgage advising and arranging are covered up to a maximum of £85,000. Further information about compensation scheme arrangements is available from the FSCS.
General Terms
  • We require our clients to give us instructions in writing to avoid possible disputes (if the matter is urgent we may accept oral instructions provided they are confirmed in writing).
  • We will forward the documents to you as soon as practicable after we receive them. Where a number of documents relate to a series of transactions are involved we will normally hold the documents until the series is complete and then forward them to you.

We are required to verify your identity in accordance with legislation to prevent financial crime. No application will be submitted until such verification has been obtained. We may use electronic identity verification systems and we may conduct these checks from time to time throughout our relationship, not just at the beginning.

We may terminate our authority to act on your behalf at any time without penalty. Notice of termination would be given in writing.

We will only vary this agreement if confirmed in writing by a Director of 21Finance Ltd.

You may terminate this agreement without penalty. Notice of this termination must be given in writing.

Insurance & Mortgages
Data Protection
  • We keep records of all our business transactions indefinitely. You (or your agent) may inspect contract notes, vouchers and entries in books (whether kept manually or electronically).
  • We treat all our clients’ records as confidential (even when you are no longer a client), so we reserve the right to give you copies of your particular records rather than allowing access to files containing records about other clients.
  • As part of our service, we will aim to contact you to review your arrangements before any product we have arranged expires. From time to time we will tell you about new services. You can choose not to receive this information when you meet with us during the arrangement of your mortgage.

You can change your instructions at any time by writing to: Compliance Department, 21Finance Ltd, 21 West Street, Gravesend, Kent, DA11 0BF. For the purposes of the Data Protection legislation, the Data Controller in relation to any personal data you supply is 21Finance Ltd.

Access to your Personal Data
Under the Data Protection legislation, you have a right to ask for a copy of the information held by us in our records. You also have the right to require us to correct any inaccuracies in your information. Such requests must be made in writing and we reserve the right to ask for proof of identity and address prior to releasing any information.
Insurance & Mortgages
Record keeping
We are required to maintain records to evidence the suitability of the recommendations we make. If you decide to proceed with our services, we will store and use your personal data and any other relevant information you provide in accordance with this policy. If you choose not to allow us to store and use your personal information, we will be unable to meet our regulatory obligations and will not be able to provide our services to you. In this instance, you must tell us in writing before proceeding with an application.
Insurance & Mortgages
Your Privacy
As a customer of 21Finance Ltd, we take your right to privacy very seriously. We will not disclose information about you or your accounts to anyone, other than where we have your consent, or where we are compelled or allowed by law to do so. Most of the information we hold is stored electronically on computer systems. However, some data, for example, the details you handwrite on an application form are also held as manual or paper copies. We are confident that our systems are secure, and appropriate controls are in place to prevent unlawful access to your information. As your mortgage broker, we will discuss your personal circumstances with lenders in order to determine the most appropriate product for your needs. We or the lender may undertake a credit check upon receipt of your mortgage application, or in some cases before an application is submitted, to enable the preparation of an “Agreement in Principle”. We will seek your consent before any personal information is provided to lenders and before a credit check is undertaken. This check may be registered as part of your credit record. The lender may also supply information to a Credit Reference Agency regarding the way your account is managed. 21Finance Ltd does not sell or donate the personal information we hold. Information may, in the ordinary course of business, move between 21Finance Ltd, associated companies (e.g. lenders and insurers), and involve keeping the estate agent(s) and solicitors you are using updated on the general progress of your application(s). We are also obliged to make our records available to our regulator upon request. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for full details. A copy is available to download via our website at www.21finance.co.uk/privacy-policy
Insurance & Mortgages
Third-Party Services
21finance Ltd provides a comprehensive package of services to our clients. This includes services provided by third-party companies, whom we have carefully selected to provide relevant services.
Insurance & Mortgages